Contented PDF: This package of extensions allows your users to compile a single PDF document from articles they select on your site. The user adds the item to a basket through a link above or below an article, view and re-order items in a basket, and view (and download) the PDF for later reading:
- Ability to add page numbers
- Unicode for other character sets
- Ability to add page numbers
- Ability to add a custom cover page to each report, configurable by admin
- Ability to generate a table of contents listing each article in the document
- Compatible with Joomla articles and K2
_force_ini version may be useful for non-English language users
Data Download: Write queries and download CSV data from your joomla database, such as article hits or user stats. Optionally provide this as a link on the front end to enable non-Admin users to download data (subject to the ACL measures you put in place.
AccessText: Show or hide portions of content in articles based on the user group.