Netamity Value Counter

$1,971,946 saved with MovieDeals

Payment terms

As a guide to current and prospective customers, these are our general payment terms. These are the default terms for work undertaken by Netamity for clients

Maintenance services

This includes updates and security checks, user or content updates - £35/hour invoiced on completion, payment due on receipt

Development services

Fixed fee development (agreed specification)

- <£1000 - Payment due on delivery of development to live server or readiness where client wishes to postpone

- £1000-£5000 - £30% payment due on commencement with remaining 70% on delivery

- >£5000 - Payment by instalment- 30% on commencement, followed by agreed milestones.

Ad-hoc development

- Development by full hour only, with minimum 1 hour


- £75 hourly (>8 hours in a single week)

- £525 daily (per 8 hours in a single week)

- Weekly (40 hours) or monthly (160 hours) please enquire

- Ad-hoc development invoiced weekly, due on receipt


Payment methods

- UK Bank Transfer

- Paypal (Non-UK only)- subject to 2% surcharge


Please contact us if you have any questions about our payment terms, or wish to make alternative arrangements

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